Clergy Service Cards for the Celebration of Eucharist
Released for 1928, 1662IE, 2019 Traditional Language, and 2019 Contemporary Language Books of Common Prayer
Just what are these?
These altar service cards are intended to serve a mnemonic aids—crib sheet, if you will—for the portions a priest or deacon would use when he is facing the people in a traditional ad orientem celebration, including the exhortation to communion.
With these and a Holy Gospel book, one would not need to pick up the altar book/missal or carry an extra prayer book at the altar. This is especially helpful if one is using a loose-leaf or spiral bound Altar Book, neither of which carry well.
One of the cards includes a woodcut from Percy Dearmer’s The English Liturgy, which is intended look aesthetically pleasing on the altar (if cards are not laid flat), and can be held as a decent cover to the cards when facing the people.
The service card set consists of 4 double-sided cards, which include prayers for four Prayer Books with page references: 1928, 2019, 2019-Traditional Language Edition, and the new 1662: International Edition. The 1928 card is also suitable for 1979 BCP Rite I/Anglican Service Book excluding the “Word of God” phrase in the Comfortable Words; the 1979 exhortation is too different to account for...
For more information, and to obtain a set, please go to the liturgies page:
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